30. Tour of Slovenia June 12th - June 16th 2024

Costella is official water of Tour of Slovenia

Costella is official water of Tour of Slovenia

Cycling takes place under the blue sky and mostly in the summer, this is why hydration of cyclists and all that accompany them is very important. This is not a problem on Tour of Slovenia, since the race is sponsored by natural mineral water Costella – official water of the race.

Natural mineral water Costella is bottled in the hearth of unspoiled Slovenian nature, on the edge of rear, almost unique primeval forest. The source spring is located in the special protected area Natura 2000 of 56 km² where there are no industrial facilities, cultivated areas or other potential polluters that could pollute the source near and far.

Natural mineral water Costella is only water from the edge of one of the Slovenian primeval forests, this is why it has extreme quality and is completely natural. Water is pumped from 100 meters deep well, and nothing is added or taken away from it.

In Costella they understand the meaning of hydration, especially for professional cyclists, this is why Costella has become official water of Tour of Slovenia, and is a long-term partner of cycling team Adria Mobil Cycling.