30. Tour of Slovenia June 12th - June 16th 2024

Slovenian police will be 20th team on Tour of Slovenia

Slovenian police will be 20th team on Tour of Slovenia

Indispensible link on Tour of Slovenia is also Slovenian police force. Officers are really amazing at thanks to their hard work the race can be organized on such high level. Responsibility of the organizers is now even bigger – with live broadcast on Eurosport (in more than 70 countries!) and eyes of the whole world watching. Organizers is inviting everyone to come the race live by the road or in the start/finish, but please follow the instructions of the police and marshals.

Police will direct the traffic in the time of the race – from 15th till 18th June 2017 – which means they will give instructions along the whole route of the race. Police will carry out short-term roadblocks in that time. Traffic will be stopped in crossroads, with officers on motorcycles and in police vehicles. All vehicles will use special red & blue lights and sound notifications. We would like to remind everybody that a driver has to give way to the police vehicle with red & lights and siren on, driver has to move the vehicle off the road, except if the police officer gives different instructions. Several vehicles will be stopping the traffic, drivers on the planed route of the race have to be very careful.

Part of the race caravan are also other vehicles and cyclists. All drivers have to wait still until the whole races passes and that they see the last vehicles with the sign “Konec kolesarske dirke” (End of the bicycle race); police vehicles with red & blue lights will be also on the tail of the caravan.

Same rules apply for all pedestrians that have to move away from the driving surface of the road and wait that the whole race passes by.

We expect road blocks to last from 10 to 20 minutes, in some sections up to 30 minutes.

All drivers are welcome to stop and watch the race; if they don’t wish to do so please use alternative roads.

We kindly ask all to fully follow and respect the instructions of the police officers and race marshals, this is extremely important for the safety of all participants.


Photo by Sportida

